EMDR for Trauma
Eye Movement and Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) for Trauma
EMDR helps people reprocess trauma that is causing them discomfort in their present life. Basically, it lessens the charge that the trauma triggers can cause. When you find yourself having a very strong and impulsive reaction, a problem area that carries hurt is activated and you try to PUSH the feeling away because it is so uncomfortable.
I believe that people can be triggered and activated in current relationships by trauma experienced in past romantic or family relationship dynamics. You might find yourself being skeptical about a new relationship, reactive to certain emotions that come up in response to current triggers (i.e. your partner tells you they are going out to dinner with friends and you instantly become reactive because your last partner lied to you about their whereabouts, etc).
Everyone brings baggage into new relationships; it is very difficult not to. The important part is to know which baggage to bring as a carry-on (things you can work on with your new partner) and what to check before you get on the plane (process before you get into a new relationship).
I used and have used EMDR myself to process past relationship trauma. I believe that when we are able to connect the dots, amazing healing can happen.
EMDR uses bilateral stimulation (eye movements side to side or tapping on each side of your body) while keeping in mind the emotions, feelings, and body sensations that you experience when reprocessing traumatic events or happenings in your life or relationships. I will support you through it. I will do a full treatment plan which addresses what you want to work on, what situations/things trigger you, emotions experienced, negative thoughts or beliefs about yourself, and how all of these things may or may not connect. I will then help you create a safe space to go to should our work be difficult or overwhelming, and actually reprocessing any memories that come up. It is always fascinating to see what old stuff comes up when someone is reprocessing. In my own work, I discovered memories that I had deeply buried and reprocessing them helped immensely.
I believe that what prevents people from having successful new relationships can be the trigger of past trauma. This might be why you can’t seem to stay in a relationship, attract and allow people to stay that are not healthy partners for you, and why you get stuck in a stream of bad relationships.
I can help you. EMDR can also be done separately from talk therapy. So even if you have a therapist that you love (congrats, that is a big thing!) I can simply do just EMDR with you, which will compliment your talk therapy for faster progress. EMDR can be effective in even just 5-10 visits.
If you’re interested, please reach out!